oil on canvas – 100X120 – 2013
The language of mathematics, geometry or simply of the numbers, which
lies at the base of Agathos’s artistic-scientific intuitions, is perfectlycompatible with the idea of a Mathematics and Geometry whose role, reinterpreted in a modern way, is to explore reality in its informal and
metaphysical aspects in search of a trace of an “Unmoved Mover”. The innovative
artistic solutions that have made Agathos the key exponent of an
art current like Transgeometry, may be understood only with an in-depth
understanding of the mathematical and, in part, philosophical concepts he
was able to skilfully translate into colour. The use of shapes and colours,
but also numbers which appear in the paintings of Agathos, narrate an
informal reality where numbers just as colours no longer express a quantitative
but rather qualitative factor.